Ian Wood, President SOS, Executive Committee Member Research & Planning, IMPA 

Ian Wood, President SOS, Executive Committee Member Research & Planning, IMPA


Managing Residential Development Advisory Committee: Submission – Save Our Suburbs Inc (Vic) 

April 2016 (amended)



Save Our Suburbs was formed in 1998 in response to changes to the Local Government and Planning and Environment Acts which saw deregulation of planning via the introduction of “performance-based” controls and the amalgamation and corporatisation of councils, with negative impacts on residential amenity and on the ability of communities to have meaningful interaction with their local council. SOS continues to advocate for residential amenity and a fair and efficient planning regime.

SOS recognizes that many local community groups will be commenting on specific issues around the local implementation and impact of the residential zones so this submission will focus on overarching issues as well:

1  Implementation of the new residential zones

2  Building approvals and yearly LGA variations

3  Population growth and infrastructure

4  Housing shortage and housing affordability

5  Transporting suburbia

6  Sustainability – what’s missing?

7  Flaws in the DA assessment process – need for mandatory planning controls

8  Third party objection and appeal rights (TPOAR)

9  Deliberative Community Consultation

10  Recommendations regarding the new zones and process issues

The three amended residential zones, two new commercial zones and three amended industrial zones were introduced into the Victoria Planning Provisions and planning schemes by Amendment VC100, gazetted on 15 July 2013. Amendment VC116, gazetted on 1 July 2014, applied the General Residential Zone to any land previously zoned Residential 1, 2 and 3 not already included in a new residential zone.

The purpose of the Managing Residential Development Advisory Committee is to:
A. Consider the process by which the new residential zones were implemented.
B. Review the current application of the zones that allow for residential development in the context of managing Melbourne and Victoria’s residential growth in a sustainable manner and improving housing affordability.
C. Advise on the level of evidence and justification needed when preparing relevant planning scheme amendments.
D. Recommend improvements to the residential zones.

E. Provide councils, the community and the industry with an opportunity to be heard.

Appendix 1: Net Dwelling increase 2010-2014 by Residential Zone type (sample)

Appendix 1: Net Dwelling increase 2010-2014 by Residential Zone type (sample)

Appendix 2: Residential building approvals by Municipality (sample)

Appendix 2: Residential building approvals by Municipality (sample)

This submission will focus on the more over-arching issues rather than the implementation of the new zones and other planning issues within each LGA which are being addressed by other groups and individuals from their respective LGAs.