Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA)

FBURA Update May 2015 - Latest News

Ministerial Announcement

On 17 April 2015 the Minister for Planning announced important changes to the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area (FBURA).

As part of this announcement the Minister:

  • introduced mandatory height controls
  • set new height limits for areas which previously had no height limit (40 storeys in Montague and 18 storeys in Sandridge and Wirraway)
  • replaced the Metropolitan Planning Authority (MPA) as Responsible Authority with himself, for all developments outside of the four and eight storey mapped height areas, and above 25,000m2
  • amended the Strategic Framework Plan (SFP) released in July 2014 by removing the preferred height map and also ‘Key Element 2: Sustainable Transport’
  • highlighted a new 18 month strategic planning phase for the project, including the development of detailed neighbourhood precinct plans, and creation of an Infrastructure Plan
  • expanded the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area to include a newly titled Fishermans Bend Employment Precinct, north of the freeway in the City of Melbourne, increasing the renewal area to 455 Ha.

The following diagram outlines the Review Process Timeline

Fact sheet prepared by the Minister for Planning about the changes:

The new 5 precincts for FBURA

The new 5 precincts for FBURA

Strategic Framework Plan: April 2015

The Minister has released the amended Strategic Framework and included it into the Planning Scheme. The amended document deletes both the Sustainable Transport and Preferred Height pages of the Plan. New mandatory height controls are included in a map in the updated Planning Scheme.

View the updated Planning Scheme.

The Minister has revised the heights for the Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal Area. These are including in the planning scheme and can be accessed on pages 7 and 8 of the below link:$File/Port+Phillip+GC29+37_04s01_port+track+changes+Approval+Gazetted.pdf?OpenElement

Ministerial Advisory Committee

The Minister for Planning is establishing a Ministerial Advisory Committee (MAC). For further information on the MAC please visit:



City of Port Phillip, DTPLI and City of Melbourne Websites, and Fishermans Bend Network Facebook site.